Does a bear??? and other things

We have spent the week in New Hampshire since the house finally was handed over to us last Friday. For the first few days we slept on air mattresses… always fun trying to get up from that level. Most of the furniture is in and looking mighty fine. Very lodge arts and crafts bungalow. Since I’ve been commuting to work from the mountains Paul has been in charge of all the movers and setup.
It has been very interesting this communing with nature thing… we have seen deer and a Senor Frog lost its life under my car the other morning. HOWEVER, the most interesting one has been the visit of a small black bear to the house. It seems that right after I left to go to work, Paul heard some noises outside, when he went to look, he saw a cub by the front door of the house. I thought the bear had smelled the Chinese food left over we had inside the house… now I look before I cross the street and I look before I open the front door.
Tomorrow is off to Alaska… the ^*&^ (flight is at 6:00am which means that we have to be at the airport by 4:15 am at the absolute latest. Hopefully we will sleep a little on the flight to Vancouver otherwise with the 3 hour time difference we will be sleeping in the soup by the time dinner is served at 8:30 PM.