Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Walking the Sanctum

We have done 3 radiation sessions so far, and my skin is beginning to have a certain tanning glow. In addition, sitting down is starting to become a touch annoying since there is this weird pressure back there. The nurse at BI (who I think rocks the world) gave me this incredible high tech pillow to sit for the long ride to NH and it was excellent. However, I am doing so much sitting and walking..(well more like Tim Conway) and it seems that I keep slowing down more and more when I walk. OH GOD I am walking like my mother... 1 speed and it is reverse!.

On the really good news front, I am on the last taper of the steroids so my brain will go back to normal soon...maybe I'll be able to speak in complete intelligible sentences for once!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your brain will go back to normal?! That will be a surprise. Your twin.

12:20 PM  

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