Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Friday, May 18, 2007

they told me about days like today

you know when they tell you... you will have good days and you will have bad days... I don't consider it a bad day, but certainly not coincidental that one day after being told to slow down I am dragging my ass all over the house. I guess the body revolted today and said I am not doing a bloody thing; and so I didn't. The pedometer barely clocked 2 miles, compared to 6 yesterday. However all I do is eat. It probably is 2 miles worth of round trips between my chair and the fridge.

And who said a pint of ice cream is 4 servings??? that is just crazy talk. 2 serving at best!

So for the rest of the day, I knitted, and read a fabu book called Remainder by Tom McCarthy. Not for everyone... imagine a review that says "An assured work of existential horror" I am loving it. Eileen will have to read it next. On the Shakespeare front, first up.. The Comedy of Errors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and u say i'm a lazy ass!! :-) jk. glad u r finally catching up on ur reading. have fun!!!!

8:17 AM  

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