Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

walk and walk and walk some more

In the elusive search for the perfect breath, I am walking like a madman. Instead of being ultra-efficient and carrying 3 things for one trip, I do three single trips. Not very efficient I know, and my brain is like having a short-circuit about it, but my lungs kind of like it.

Nowadays, if I bend over to pick something, the world doesn't spin. Much better thank you.

Also today is the momentous day to return to my bed. St Paul has been kind enough to give me his reclining bed for the convalescing, but the poor man needs his bed and his bedroom; for that matter so do I, I miss my mattress something fierce.

Today is also the day with the doctor. Hopefully after the X-Ray he will say the pneumonia is almost gone and that I can ramp up recovery. Wouldn't those be sweet words!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like u say "sleep pretty!"

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fingers & toes were crossed in hopes of good news from El Doctor today! Got to get you back in roller coaster shape PRONTO! The season is only 6 months long! Can he do it???

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally someone found a reason for doing it the hard way!! Thank God!

12:51 AM  

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