Right before X-Mas, Adam asked me to help him with a school project. I am sure he asked me because I have access to acrylic fabrication and because he knows my imagination runs wild and big when given projects like this. We were to build a replica of the Cathedal of Notre Dame in Paris for his religion class. Half of the grade would be the bldg, the other 1/2 a paper to accompany the bldg.

So I recruited the help of Ed for bldg and cutting the pieces. I designed the cathedral to be as simple as possible, however large (it is all about size you know!) Adam came over for the week-end and taped all the pieces to represent the windows, Ed did an incredible job putting the cathedral together considering that he had to take my crazy ideas and execute them without me being at work.

To see Adam's face when the building was delivered was just priceless.. now we all await for the damn grade to come in. For Adam's, Ed's and my sake, it better be an A+
Love the pictures. The A+ is not certain, it's up to the teacher. We worked our asses off just like the asses in Santorini. We worked damn hard, didn't we?
I still say you're the ass on the ass.
Another kid in my class did the same cathedral as me but it wuz huge! BUT, he had several problems with his cathedral and his head. He didn't do any flying buttresses! OH NO! AND HE USED CRAYONS TO COLOR IN EVERYTHING! How childish. He claims he took a couple weeks 2 build it! The sheet with the requirements 4 the report he claims he didn't have! SO, he got it from the teacher the day it wuz du and he didn't have haf of duh requirements on his report. Now u c, eye hav muh act 2gether!
This is now another speech that just originated! "LIFE IS ALL BOUT GETTING UR ACT 2GETHER!" by me. PISH TOSH!
I had soooo much fun helping with it! i also found another speech not coming from UNCLE PAUL! It's "learn how to be patient" by Ismael Maldonado. LOL
I most certainly picked the right person 2 help me with this project! Only the bestest and the smartestest people can only achieved wut we achieved.
Can't wait 2 c u over duh weekend!
I'm glad that Adam was able to push enough for you to help with the project.
What's next for you two?
Adam is so lucky to have you in his life...Don't you love doing projects? Jen and I do!!!
P.s. Way to go Adam!!
atleast I know where all my scrap disappeared too!!!
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