Live from the B.I. Hilton
The computer from work is finlly here and working! Connected to all my major functions for work, which has made me very happy. (go figure!) A million thanks to Jean, Wendy and Walter.
Now back to me! One more day of radiation, nd I can't wait. The hair debris (ok the tubble debris) on my pillow is very depressing, but with only 1 more day, hopefully it will at least stop falling and start growing back. I am as we speak in chemo getting my controlled poisoning session. Home by 1:00 YEAH! They pinch me twice today, but damn it hurt like a mother... I am considering the porta-cath thing. Not only because it will be easier to find the damn vein, but it does not show over the king but a little bump. I didn't want the port version becasue you get to see the tubbing and it is yet another reminder that I have something terribly wrong. If anyone has any knowledge from users of a porta cath, let me know their experience.
Rich Haus says....
Mima - I have asked my contact at Team In Training to see if anyone would be willing to share their experience with the porta cath. Also, take a look at the following web site:
I would like to do this in your honor. Now, I know what you're going to say, but get over it, it's not all about you. I can use the damn exercise and I want to do this for you. I WANT?NEED TO DO THIS FOR YOU AND FOR ME. So let me know if you're okay with it, but remember I WANT/NEED TO DO THIS FOR YOU AND ME!
I hope the B.I. Hilton is going well for you. There is not a day that goes by that you don't pop into my head.
Keep up the fight.
Glad the week is almost over for you. You are a true inspiration to everyone.
When are we going to see some knitting photos of your sweater? Did you knit the beret yet? Of course, you won't get much knitting done with Oompa around this weekend. Maybe you could teach him. I'm sure he would be thrilled.
I'll make sure to give him the speech about the goopy soap. He just loves your shower.
See you tomorrow,
Your SIL,
Why such a hard time with veins? Are you dehydrated? Or do you get the newbie IV nurses???
(I always seemed to get them with all the surgeries I ever had, very annoying! Especially when I have veins the width of Rte. 95!!!)
Wish I had an answer about the porta-cath, but I don't.
Pop didn't disclose some things because of all the awful childhood memories from the afore mentioned surgeries.
I hope the last few days pass quickly & easily for you. I'm so looking forward to your return on Wed!!!! & to learn more about the possible option :-)
Positive strengths being sent your way, always. xOOOOx
Mima- First of all Congrats!!!to you and Paul. I had no idea of your plans but will talk about that later. Second, The hair WILL grow back and much more vigorously. You might even need a haircut once it starts growing.
You remember you? Third, That Cathredal is a work of art, where is the plastic hunchback! Save that proyect it looks great. You can even sell it on e-bay..(just kidding!!) Next, The porta-cath is cleaner and no tubes coming out of your skin but...they still have to "pinch" you to tap the bag under your skin. With the AV port they stick the little tubes and not you. Both need to be inserted and removed surgically and require regular maintenance (flushing...). Lastly, It took me over an hour to learn what the heck is a BLOG and how to write you a message in it. I even had to create my own Blog "thingy" on Google. You know how technically challenged I am, it stresses my life but, I am glad that I was able to see your pics and share your cyberlife with all the other people that love you. We will see you soon to "glue you back".... Un abrazo bien grande a los dos. B&P
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