Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the 2:30 am blues

Why is it that when you think life is so good, wanting to hurl or pull a Linda Blair comes to mind? As you know chemo started yesterday, and I thought i was doing very well with he unsettled stomach thing. We went out to dinner and I had although simple fair, a heavy fair. Small cup of clam chowder and fish cakes. Both very good. Last night about 12:34 (great lottery number) I woke up repeating the food and just not feeling my best. After 2 hours of trying to settle it down, I took another of the anti-nausea pills (granted 4 hours early) to see if I could just make it go away and for me to fall asleep.

Hopefully during chemo today I will just fall asleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK pal. What's all this crap I've been hearing about you? Can't be true right. Taking time off from work? Loafing around the house? Visiting hospitals so you can pick on how tragically nurses dress -- who wears shoes like that? I am a late comer to this but know I AM thinking you every day.... Sonja and little Diva Kendall

7:25 AM  
Blogger mima said...

Sonjia...I need your email!!!

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there. Everyone is pulling for you and I know you are in all our thoughts and prayers.

I'm not sure how well mine work but I know some others go right to the front of the line.

David & Fran

8:57 AM  

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