Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

An ode to two saints

Sometimes when you least expect it something happens that brings out in people what you always knew to be there. I have been lucky enough to see this first hand in two people in my life.

One of these is my sister. She has become my partner in crime and my sounding board; being one of the few people that will challenge some of my wacky thoughts and ideas, and will encourage the others.

Then there is St. Paul. He used to spoil me rotten before Mr. Nasty came about, now it is ridiculously wonderful. Of course I am taking advantage of every second of it. Couldn't have asked for a better person to go through this than my own personal partner and Saint.

There are other people that I know would step up to sainthood in a nano second, my brother for one. However, he needs to travel and work, but I know he much rather be here than at work.

Luckily employers have been very flexible schedule; and my saints have been able to be with me during my appointments. I encourage everyone to find their own personal saints... it is a wonderful feeling to have.

ps The icon was created by Bernardo in Florida, I particularly like the minor saints around St P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing Paul as I do it is no surprise. He has a big heart and cares about many people.

When Paul first met Fran he said you must be St Francis. He was right.

When the road gets rough it's nice to know that there are people there to take the ride with you.

Love and Hugs

Fran & David

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The creativity and design quality of St. Paul's painting does not go unnoticed. However, I am fairly disappointed I was not deemed fitting to the realm of the minor supporting saints.

Regards to Broads,
Ms. Ginger R

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mima, Sit down....
You are correct in saying I rather be there than working. Using the concept of life is simple people complicate it…
Danielle and I have decided that we want to bother you as much as we can ;-).
Since all I need is an Airport... a toilet and a bed. Showers are optional. He He.. I am temporarily closing down Dallas operation and moving them to the Summerville Marriott owned and operated by Saint Eileen . (Uff Vatican city must be having earthquakes on that one) Hey who knows maybe I even find a client out there (Already have my friends looking into it.)
D and I have spoken with her mother and, she might get to be the youngest Executive Platinum passenger in the history of the airline.
After you finished pulling all of your Oh Crap, is he crazy, is she crazy, Oh Crap… I’ll see you next weekend.
Ta Ta have to go do billings for January. Good Month 

Tu hermanito Mas que Jode.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to you on your healing and shrinking, and to Paul on his sainthood, are a given. Having studied old manuscripts at length, I just need Bernardo to know that his play on a typical Roman design, complete with statues of women to represent virtuous qualities (usually things like truth, faithfulness, etc) is brilliant.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The collage is beyond divine !!! & the Saints that surround you & Paul in this case will go down in history. Memories & memoirs will record the events, whether in spirit, actual events or blood.

You are so very lucky :-)

Hold tight to them on your last few visits to the opium den.

My strength to you & yours always.

PS> Have you tried the Essiac yet?

8:04 PM  

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