More appointments

I was hoping to go to work tomorrow, HOWEVER, I have F with a possible touch of the flu and E very compromised. Enough for me to decide to stay home. Having said that, I went to my radiation appointment and the technician tells me that the are going to re-simulate me. That is one of those situations when you think to yourself, resimulate in clay? sand animation? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT!!!
It seems that for the last 2 weeks of radiation, it is very targeted and they rescan me to come up with the current size of the tumor (OF COURSE I will ask if it shrank) so that the last two weeks of radiation are extremely targeted.
With that new appt, Minerva (from Salinas PR) had to call the Chemo people to change my 9:00 to 10:30. As I thought it was an appointment with the doctors, I was very surprised when dear Minerva clues me in.... first blood samples... then see doctors,,, then get results and decide. The chemo people are watching for a) anemia, b) low cell counts c) kidney activity, the last time they took the readings, the only concern was that I was getting close on the anemia side. Expected due to the chemo; hopefully this time since I am 6 days away from the last treatment, the numbers should be better. I also think I have only lost 3 pounds. Not too bad... roughly 1 lb per week of radiation.
Could you people believe it has been 1 month since this saga began?!?!!?
If they are going to re-simulate you . . . is there time for diserning individuals to suggest some possible improvements?
Best of luck with everthing. As always your remain in my thoughts.
First off I do not have a touch of the flu. Ihad a bad night with the stupid CPap and it kept waking me up all night.
Now I realize that "C" is looking out for you but you should realize that I would never put you in harms way.
That being said, Stay home and relax because I am getting ready to put the hammer down. Full throttle is all I can see from here on; so here we go...
Ok I'm only kidding, well sort of.
Think Queen Mary...
Around the world...
I've been out of the blogsphere and so missed the start of your 'saga'. Just wanted to send you warm wishes and let you know that I am praying for you.
are you implying I might need improvement???
I hope not!
Ok, so I hurt Daddio's feelings by "looking out for your well being". He may be the stand in "in charge guy now" but it won't be forever! So YOU come 1st!!!
I know he wouldn't put you in harms way, but ANY violation by germs is way to much for your body to handle at this point! I've seen what a little cold did to Pop & I don't want to see you go thru that!
Get over it Daddio! The Mimatoad rules! & he needs his strength for Sunday... :-)
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