Orpheus Descending - What a Slug

As you al know, I got home yesterday and did a little laundry. It was time to switch back to my bed, and my room. Try as I might, I fell asleep on the sofa and when Paul got home, he ended up doing the beds. It must have been around 5pm or so when after 1 hour nap under my belt, I went to MY BED. Slept through 6pm-9pm.
Paul woke me up to take my temperature and to feed me something. After that was done, back in till 4:30am... After I write this, a few more hours I hope.
I hope you don't expect anyone to believe that you ever looked that angelic!
Thank goodness that you are so quiet and shy . . . you can rest your throat for the next 3 days.
Just so you know, a lot of us are losing sleep in your honor. This is not good -- we need our beauty rest. Keep up the good fight, and enjoy the weekend off.
Nice to see that the swelling has lowered from your upper body to your tush.
SLEEP!!! It is your best friend right now. I'm so glad your getting the much needed rest.
& for the swelling in your tush, it hasn't grown too much... still admirable. Just beware of what else can swell :-) when your in the right place! woo hoo Don't put the hospital gown on backwards what ever you do... Keep smiling bossman
Orpheus?? Don't tell me the emotional relatives have started to pull you apart; hold yourself together man!! But rest assured if I find your head I too will create a shrine!!!!)))) With much love for my blog bard...
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