Radiation and your mother

Let's start with the usual nonsense.. tumor tanning went well.. they were on time which is important. Today it is also a 4:30 appointment. I spoke to the nurse and several you about the acid reflux; obviously a newbie when it comes to it. Bottom line is clear, Prilosec twice a day until this is over, and bland food. Guess that great McDonald's chicken blt was not good for my stomach...but it was gooooood.
My dearest mother is coming up this week-end. Sounds the alarms... everyone to the battle stations! Some of you have experienced a visit before... some of you have not. In my best polite ways, I will try to inform you what needs to happen before the silk white glove touches a surface. So St Paul is working like a madman these days...I...am... well sort of working... two days at work and to days from home, but bottom line no energy, so I need to find me a cleaning person. This is part of my husbandly duties today, it should not be a major issue.
Once the palace is clean, then it is the social coordination; don't bore mother, but don't overbook her. This fine line game is a test of how well you can read a person without actually seeing them. Dinner party Friday night, light easy brunch with nephews, and grand nephews Saturday... I know a nap is in order somewhere in there so that she can conserve her energy. You can also rest assured that some "quality" time will be required. Each of us needs to go through the private talks with mom.
All in all a little high maintenance but hopefully pleasant nonetheless. An unbiased (ok as unbiased as possible review of the visit will be coming on Monday.
ps I would like to thank my driver Pa (nicely done) although the hat thing is still a problem
Battle stations for the conclave! Let's see who is left standing by Monday.
Did you schedule naps and time for beautification for YOU!!
Tu hermanita
I don't know your mother, Mima, but I can speak as a mother. My hunch is that she is not coming to be entertained. She is coming to see her nino, to see for herself what you are going through, to lend her support, to do what needs to be done. All else goes by the wayside.
As far as food goes, I can't stress enough the importance of immune building smoothies with soy milk, protein powder, ground flax seeds, a banana, borage oil, tumeric powder, and flavorings such as cinnamon, ginger, cocao powder.... They are delicious, nutritious, and important in maintaining strength and a healthy immune system as your body fights the chemicals that are killing healthy and unhealthy cells alike. Whip up a batch in a blender or processer and sip throughout the day. During my process, I actually craved these smoothies, and all other food became secondary. Hopefully, they'll also be easier on your throat.
Fighting this "thing" IS your job of the moment, perhaps the most important one you will ever have. The rest is just to keep your mind active, your spirits up, and your soul nourished, also necessary.
My thoughts are with you -
Vasco de Gama will be training battle & political strategies.
I will be happy if I am walking by Monday.
I already have my warrior face painted.
Elaine, Elaine, Elaine .... :-)
The Devil wears Prada.
Tu hermanito
PS I already have the tub ready for the pre wedding cleanning. ;-)
Please get the web cam ready. This could be quite a show to watch later on a cold winter night.
We know it will all work out and remember mom needs to check up on her princess.
Plan it right and we would consider the QE2 with you.
Hugs and Love
David & Fran
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