Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Research Assistant

My dearest sister who loves to do research just re-read or relived the entire blog... I suppose that makes her a masochist. However, she was proving the point that the last time I had chemo and radiation I was making Linda Blair proud. Luckily I have stopped doing that but I have not been able to sleep the night (and I need that) and

I am ready for an bacterial warfare with all the Cipro I have in the system. It is like nuclear Drano..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been there done that. Tu sister

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing I can say that will make any of this crap you're experiencing more comforting is: IF you do need to have surgery, you won't need to do that nasty tasting, pre-op prep clean out & clense, rodeo toilet riding bullshit! You're way ahead of the game now! Hope you feel better very very soon! We miss your craziness.... ALOT :-( Be strong. All my best to Paul...

8:35 PM  

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