looking for my marbles!

Reckoning day, are they all there??? Have I acquired a few new ones? Are they worthy of keeping? I slept about 2 hours last night obsessing over the possibility of extra tenants in my brain. It does not help that I feel swollen (3 liters of saline yesterday I am sure do not help) but for fuck sake ... enough is enough... let me know and let's get on with in it.
I have also gained 2 more pounds, yes that would be 4 total since we started AGAIN. I am sure it has to do with my new morning cancer glazed donut or the french vanilla hot fudge cancer sundae I eat at night... enough of that too.. no more sugar for fuck sake. I am even back to drinking coke again, I had managed to keep it down to 1 can a day...but nooooooooooooo, that went out the window too.
Thus today will be the first back to almost sugar free food, as long as no tenants are living upstairs! Otherwise, 5 lbs of raw sugar cane for everyone
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