Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Monday, August 20, 2007

and I'm back...

Sorry I haven't posted for the last 20 days... I've been away and I will give you all a Cliff Note version of the incredible trip I took.

Took my overweight bag to the airport for our departure.. I had to pay for extra pounds and my head almost got chopped off. I lived through that one... barely. Had a light meal and got ready for the 7 hour flight to Amsterdam. Can't remember if I slept since I was in and out all the time. Landed right on time 9:00AM. I had hired a van to take us to the ship and luckily that went off without a hitch...and then we waited... and waited for 1:00PM boarding time. We were all exhausted but thrilled the adventure was about to commence. After the boat drill, ( a woman complained that she had been standing for 30 minutes!) we started sailing down the main canal. It was absolutely spectacular. Windmills modern and old everywhere.. Since Amsterdam is below sea level, we had to clear a lock before setting off in the North Atlantic. Very exciting. As you can expect..it was dinner and bed right after that.

The following day, was at sea.. North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea. We all woke up very late and refreshed.. breakfast and latte for me. Rest of the day spent exploring the ship and thinking to myself how lucky I was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed ya, Diva! Go on wit ya bad self, luckyyyyyyy y tell us more swashbuckler!

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who does she think she's kidding, signing in as anonymous????!!!!

& yes, I'm sooooo glad you're back!

8:31 PM  

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