Yet another visit.

Today was my follow up visit at the BI Hilton. Let me start by saying that a) the have become a great experience with my sister since we go to lunch or dinner and then we go to the doctor, b) I do like my doctors; they get my humor and understand my brain/mood. They rarely make statements that you would say "Get a clue!"
First as usual X-Rays. At this point I could run the damn machine. Then upstairs to the doctor's office area. The bottom line is a) the pneumonia is as gone as it ever will be b) I am off all the meds except aspirin c) once the cold is finally gone, I am as good ass I'll ever be.
In August after we come back from the Baltic cruise and Paris, I have the CT Scan that will determine if I am trully cancer free. For the time being, I can't think about that since I have a bag to pack and tours to think about.
Mima and fellow travelers,
Off to the Baltic we go. First glass of wine is my invitation: Sunrise deck at 5:00. All interested parties please be prompt and pretty.
07/07/07 - Lucky day indeed....Keep posting the good news, I love it!
You mean pnuemonia hangs around on a daily basis?:? That's normal? Wow, Wonder when I should check to see if mine is out of control! Guess it's best to wait for the doc's opinion since most of us need a clue and they're supposed to come weeded out of med school, need to no what to prescribe. What's it take to get a docs opinion around here, and no dumb ass's, as good as they may look! This isn't about looks!
Damn, you're looking good Ismael!
Break from life, boy could I use that!!! Hmmmm hmmm, the finer things in life! Forget the rest, FOR NOW!! Gotta delalalallaealllll, with taking a nice Brake, every now and then! Halt! About to break the bottle! Heelllll11111. Christened, Heallllllllae! Next! CT that bi!ch see what lies ahead! Full steam!!!
D & I will be there :-)
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