Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The results show...

So nobody won... March 28 (unconfirmed) but that is the date the surgeon has open for me. I need to get the phone call from the person that schedules the OR but we are going with that date.

Now for the details.... The Brain MRI came back as "no known foreign or cancerous cell"; the echocardiogram said that my heart can handle the operation.

The respiratory activity report was more interesting. Did you know that most people favor the right lung over the left by about 5%? Granted it is slightly bigger since the left has to make room for the heart, but guess what??? I am the opposite of most people...DUH!! I am 53% on the left and 47% on the right, which works in my favor.

The bronchioscopy in which they took a biopsy of the nodes came back negative, which makes me a T3, N0, M0 Type of cancer is T3, with nothing on the (N)nodes and nothing as (m)Metastasis...all good news

Finally, I am sure you all remember the infamous chest MRI... The pictures and video were truly stunning. They were able to show as a movie and as a sectional the chest cavity. Surgeon then proceeded to explain the surgery with the sectional as his show and tell tool. I was thoroughly impressed...technology once again shows the amazing side of the human brain and the use of all those research and development dollars!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things seem to be lining up on the positive side, how great is that! It tickles me how your technophobe side has kicked in and, emotions aside, you're able to appreciate the amazing information that's available. The more you know, the better your understanding of the risks and rewards, and, in a weird way, the more reassuring this is. So now I will shift my prayer bundle to March 28 (Peebstuff is so full of shit) and concentrate on good results. I am still counting on a deck chair and a pina colada when the time is right.


9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice 2 be Unique!!!

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is good. Tomorrow up the stairs you go. ER

6:56 AM  
Blogger Rhonda said...


*YOU* are the opposite of most people? I am shocked - shocked! I am thinking good, good thoughts and am sending positive energy your way.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a wild ride this has been. We are so glad that now there is a plan of action and very positive one.

You have been an inspiration to all of us and we shouls all remember this if the shoe drops on one of us.

Our prayers and thoughts will still be for for you and that very special Paul.


10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there should b a prize :-) to the person who got closest 2 ur surgery date.

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Evelyn & Sarah & I want Paul to take a picture of you on that gurney on March 28th or thereabouts, wearing your purple crown with leopard trim into battle. And we aren't kidding. Everything is sounding as positive as it can be with all this, and we are right here cheering you on.

Love you!

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the brain MRI did they see the embedded "Microsift Excel" logo?

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Jessie person doesn't even know the difference between a technophobe and a technophile...who's he to tell me I'm full of shit?

11:55 PM  
Blogger Lester said...

Let me summarize what we have found out through out this journey and what medical test surprised us all with:
1. You do have a heart. Now we have the pictures as evidence.
2. Your respiratory system is backwards. Surprised anyone?
3. Not satisfied with the normal plumbing we all have, You had to go out and get you additional plumbing.
4. The Brain MRI reported backwards thinking process. Again… Surprised anyone?

Last, I am sorry to report that Eileen and I went in last night into your special happy place and added padding to the walls ;-)

I will have my special set of knives ready for the 28th. Can I cut....can I ..... can I......

Oh and yes I loooooveeee youuuuu, now that we know you do have a heart... suck on that...

see ya, the cute one ;-)

2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On lung capacity…

If most people have 55% capacity on the right lung, this means that the capacity of the left lung is 45%, or a 55/45 split, which is a ratio of 1.222. That is, the right lung has 22.2% more lung capacity than the left, not a 5% difference as you suggest. Furthermore, since your lung capacity is 47/53, a ratio of 0.887, you are off from the norm by almost 40% (37.8% to be exact, which is the ratio of 55/45 to 47/53)! Given that the tumor has not affected your brain, I could not let this correction go unnoticed; you are indeed a rare breed.

Beyond the numbers, I am trying to understand what this all means about you. I suspect the norm of a higher lung capacity of the right lung has to do with the fact that the heart occupies a good portion of most humans' left chest cavity. As some “malas lenguas” might suggest, is this medical proof that indeed you don’t have a heart? At this stage, I’ll take heartless any day to the alternatives (but, I won’t go there, and I’ll just stick to explaining it away as “your good fortune”, if such can be attributed to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer).


8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your suit of armour that you came with, will be more than sufficient to go forth into this battle! It's those brain & heart thingees they found that will be the shield from harms way.
Unique??? YOU??? Not a chance!!! Your like the Zebra, so close the equine but yet untamable!!! That's what I love about you...Strong underlying compassion, an individualist & outspoken as they come!!! A challange from the get go! LOVE IT...
You'd fit right in here @ the Misifts Farm in your own special ways....
Glad to hear the pending date of this amazing techno shit that everybody is fighting over... :-)
Lots to digest before the actual disection proceeds.
Peace, to you & yours as always.

12:25 PM  

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