Wedding day - The End

Dinner finally... I was starving and craving that piece of steak. Finally I was going to be able to eat a good piece of beef. Oh and the champagne...
I had so much fun going from one table to the other I wish we had more time.
Time kept flying by... just too much fun!!
BTW Do you all remember that humongous cake? not a crumb left... YOU BUNCH OF PIGS! I am thrilled it was so good.
To the people that spent time and money to get to the event, I am truly touched that you thought so highly of us to do that.
To all the women, you looked sensational. The men, very butch however I wished you were all in kilts.
Mima, I only know is you because of the sexy legs and the oh so delicate position. How do I say this… Carajo it is a bottle not something else. I hope it was as good for the bottle as it was for you ;-)
All I know if that was the bottle Luis, Naida and I shared, hmmmm the Veuve Clicquot was wonderfully aged ;-)
He He your wonderfully deviated brother
Rich said...
Was it my tie that made me look butch? Is butch a good thing or a bad thing? I don't understand.
As far as the wedding, absolutely beautiful. I have to admit that I wasn't crying (Lauren please make sure you throw those tissues out), I did see some folks around me crying. (MARY) Also, the food was fantastic as well as the company. Nancy and Nancy sister were booted from our table from Karen C.(bully), but they took it in stride. I never did get Nancy sisters name. Hmm.
I am very happy for Paul and you and I was honored to be a part of your wonderful moment.
God bless and lets kick the shit out of some cancer right now. Wait, I went to pre-cana and I don't think I can say God and shit in the same sentence. Lauren, where is the book of things I can say?
My, my, my. I sure hope Lauren can get Rich on track.
It sure is nice knowing your brother is as crazy as some of the rest of us.
Lucky the bottle didn't shatter & ruin the consumation! What a grip you have bossman!!! :-)
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