Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Upside down pineapple caked

Many of you have responded to make sense of all of this. There is none. We play with the little people in my head and this morning we offer them pancakes with real NH maple syrup. Maybe the sugar will appease them or maybe not. All I know is that this will never make sense but we can certainly view it from a different angle. Don't waste time bitching that the roads are not sanded to the asphalt, just drive along singing your song... The world is not meant to be perfect or optimized... just enjoy it.

Havinng said that...coffee, shower and waking up the troops is my next task.

Grumpy, Bitchy, Water retention and the rest...WAKE UP


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOohhhh..... they have namws now?? I gave up on making sense of things a very long time ago!!


8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sense is over rated, don't you think? Wait, which 1 am I addressing??? Doesn't matter, it a collective craziness most of wish we could deal with at some level in their life! Because... knowing that sense is not tangible, maybe then they'd leave you the fuck alone for a moment or two!

7:09 PM  

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