the week that was
This has been a very hectic week. The cruise ship I call work is currently registering 14 new guests to the offices. Supposedly all very important and worthy of some attention. On Monday the will receive their embarkation talk form me. It will basically be a "This is not Cunard, more like Royal Caribbean" I really hope they are easy and not high maintenance.
On Wednesday night I drove up to New Hampshire to receive the TV equipment that was going to be installed on Friday. The Best Buy experience has been pretty good, however, getting phone,dsl and cable in New Hampshire has been unbelievable! It took us 4 weeks to get phone service 8 weeks to get DSL and we are going on 9 weeks to get the cable hooked up. I spent yesterday about 1 hour getting the DSL to work, and today the lovely Maria from the Philippines helped me for 2 hours to connect the wireless network in the house. It seems that the router was not configured properly when it left the factory and I paid with 2 hours of chit chat while the computer turned on and off following Maria's commands.
Oh, by the way, last week-end we attended a lovely illegal wedding ceremony. It was simple, happy and although wearing a suit and tie at 87 degrees made me sweat, it was just very sweet.
As far as I can tell, fall in New Hampshire is pretty much done. Now we get what the real estate agents call "Winter Views" which means that you can see the mountain across from you through the bare trees.
holy cow...I thought having a place in the country meant getting away from it all. A phone is necessary (for emergencies), yes, but why are you bringing "home" home? Solitude, quiet and no show tunes brings solace to the soul. Maybe all that trouble installing DSL and cable is telling you something...
I didn't realize that they had electricity in New Hampshire! After all, it is the "Great Northwest!" and people "just get it!"
Well said Peebstuff.
Kill the cable and DSL and install an art studio. Paint the beautiful scenery that surrounds your home. OR make your own frames so you can hang all of those beautiful pictures of the White mountains.
On a side note - Mima, thank you very much for allowing Lauren and I to share in your beautiful home. We LOVED it!
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