Alaksa Day 7

Today is one of my favorites in Alaska. We get to go to Hubbard Glacier, a big ass 300 ft tall and up to 3 mile wide hunk of blue ice that runs up for miles and miles up the mountains. I saw it for the first time about 10 years ago and it was awesome, I was not going to be disappointed today either. As you enter into Glacier Bay at 7:00am we were all bundled up and ready. The first thing you see is the smaller icebergs about the size of a school bus floating out of the bay.

As you approach the glacier, you have no concept of how large it is. This pic was taken about 5 miles away.

The ship is then very slowly positioned sideways as closed as possible to the glacier wall and lingers there for about 1 hour. At this point everyone on the ship is on deck, and those who aren't are looking at it from inside spaces within the ship. What they will miss is the ice calving and what is known as white thunder. Chunks of the glacier crack and are pushed off, once this happens, everyone is scanning for it, big ass chunk of ice falls to the sea and then you hear a glorious "BOOM". To me, it is one of the most incredible sights and sounds.

This is one of my faborite places on earth. Only a few ships a day can enter the bay, and only by permit. If you are choosing an Alaskan cruise, make sure that Hubbard Glacier is on the itinerary!
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