Yes I'm here
I realize that I left all of you hanging with the cold that I had last week. I can't say the cold is 100% gone but it certainly is better. I went to the GP doctor and was told "there is a big ass nasty bug going around, rest, plenty of water...blah blah blah" In other words, shut up and put up with it... no drugs for YOU! Bummer
Since there is really nothing going on, I haven't written any updates.. bad blogger, slap me please. We still don't have internet connection in the house in NH so I just don't even think about it. I have to admit that since the cable company is taking their sweet time in connecting us, all I do is sleep. In bed by 8:30pm and wake up about the same time in the morning.
Aside from that, worried about the economy as everyone is and dreading to look at my 401k, as a matter of fact, I won't even look at the envelope when it comes in.
I won't be updating the blog daily so please forgive me in advance. I like the boring not doctor driven life...
I heard they change the name of the 401k's to 201k.
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