here it is ....
Where have I been… well let’s see… last week we were busy every day. We had guests staying at the Pine Street Annex for a couple of days, granted low intensity guests, but dinner out every day was the norm. On Thursday, I had to leave early from work because I had to go “cleanse” and not in a Mary Kate or Ashley kind of way. Since my sigmoidal colon had been acting up, I was due for a shot or 2 bottles of Mag.Citrate as they call it in the business. In other words.. human Drano. Friday I had a colonoscopy to make sure that I had no other issues on my GI tract.
I drank the potion and the desired effect although not immediate did occur. For once I had no interest in being an overachiever and drinking the 4 million gallons. Moving right along to the hospital…think of the colonoscopy as the bread and butter of hospital income… 10 people at a time, every ½ an hour from 7:30AM to 6:00pm… Very very lucrative. Best part is that they give you great drugs. I don’t remember a thing that happened, although I do remember being kicked out when I wanted to keep taking my siesta. The room was reserved for the next batch of victims.
They give you these disgusting looking pictures to show you your insides (squeaky clean) and send you home. YIKES
Can you imagine, spending your work day staring at, up & into peoples butts ALL day???!!! Lucritrive or not. It would take the OHH LA LA out of my daily butt watching! You know how we like to campare notes on that subject,,,
Why THANK YOU for sharing!!!!.....LOL I missed reading your blog!! In fact, I sorta "yelled" at yur husband today.... went something like this..... "I am SO TIRED of reading about DAY 8!!" If it had not been a "company" e-mail it would of been accompanied by a WTF and such......
Missed you!!
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