Alaska Day 8

It is always very sad when you have to disembark. We have 2 days in Anchorage, but the food, drinks and environment of the ship will be missed. HOWEVER, we had one more treat. A scenic train ride from the town of Seward up to Anchorage. I was very impressed with the train; immaculately clean, nice big windows and great service. The staff doing the narration was also very good.

As you can see, even from the mayhem of the parking lot as you look up at the mountains it is beautiful.

We had to wake up mighty early but as you can see, we are ready for breakfast on the train. It is a 5 hour ride on the train, vs a 3 hour ride on a bus. We got to see some absolutely spectacular sites.

Once we arrived in Anchorage, we had a quick bite and went to bed mighty early. We had one more day in Anchorage which I used to sleep and then we had a red-eye back to Boston. Lessons from he trip? Skip Anchorage and spend time in Vancouver. Do anything possible not to do a red-eye, we are all to old for that nonsense. This having been the third trip to Alaska, it will probably signals that is time to explore other places. Perhaps the Chilean Fjords and the glaciers in South America!
Your twin is all set to go to South America. I am in training(mostly psychological) to either hand glide or para glide in Rio.
I love trains rides! You get to enjoy so much, if you're so inclined to do so. While taking a few hours longer but into areas you wouldn't normally get to see. The Swiss Alps was a memorable one for me & thru Germany.
Nice photo journal of your trip. Thanks for sharing! I'll go Zip Lining anytime your up to it! Just a different style of roller coaster huh?
Exactly where are you hiding now? Are you planning on conquering thw world? Or have you been living with the "dogs" in NH??
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