Today's visit
The brief description of today can be figured out by the diagnosis the doctor gave us NEOD. We were completely puzzled by what he was saying but you know that in today's world everything is done by the first letters. Here is an exam for you with the possible choices that went through my mind
a) No erotica on display
b) No evidence of disease
c) New England Ophthalmologic drugs
d) Never ever on diapers
The correct answer is b). YEAH… we are clean for the next three months when we repeat the process. Cancer 2.0 is over and done with…HALLELUJAH. Now for the realist in me, I am very aware that the real answer is, as far as the detection ability of the cat scan is concerned you are disease free. Having said that, I will take that NEOD answer!
My dearest nephew asked me what I was going to do to celebrate and when my respond was go to work he said... your are condemned either way!, but he also had "I will survive" playing in the background...very funny Rene!
I had to walk away after seeing your face all lit up with so much joy. An expression that has escaped you for quite some time now. Inside I was screeming with delight. On the outside, I was having all I could do to contain my fear of showing just what those 4 letters meant to me! & how I wished my Pop had gotten that same breath of fresh air. Walk on that air my dearest Mima. You deserve it!
YAY!!! You got a good report!! Now, we need to plan dinner!!
Grace and Elegance
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