TiCk ToCk

Once again 24 hours to find out what the fuck they are going to do. Surgeon #2 sees me tomorrow for the what I assume will be the scary speech. I am sure that it will go from your arm will fall off..to don't worry it is easy and it will be a complete success... I will interject that I do need my arm and I am attached to it and to please do me the favor to also take the cancer mass out.
Having said that.. I am climbing walls since I don't have any coping mechanisms to wait or be patient...I want an answer and even if I want it now, I think tomorrow I will be told yes you are confirmed for surgery and wednesday I will sit by the phone waiting for the scheduler to tell me exactly when and what tests and exams I will need done. In other words how fast will the race be.
For now.. I knit and wait
Here's hoping you come out of this with all of your limbs and your sense of humor in tact! Best of luck Mima!! I enjoy reading about your life and I think you are an interesting man!
The mouse ran up the clock.
Where am I going with this.
Your spirit is a lesson for all of us.
David and Fran
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