Graduation Season

Saturday we went to a graduation party at the cookie makers house. You have heard me talk about this totally crazy but absolute fun family. To begin with, congrats to the grad... the dumb bastard was the valedictorian.. he is normal, well adjusted and great to talk to. I always think of that age group as the home of the monosyllable. For example... what are you doing.. nothing...who is going.. nobody, you get the drift. We settled down with another of the regular attendees to the house parties. Their son got involved in the conversation with us and it was wonderful to see opinions and points of view from a totally different perspective. I guess that all is not lost and some from the younger generation will enter society understanding already how to work it in the world of adults.
By the way, Ms. M had a lovely chilled bottle of Veuve CLiquot waiting for just me.. yes I did manage to drink 90% of the bottle and it was fucking yum.
Hi Mima and Paul,
You don't know how much it meant to Colin to have you here Saturday. We can't wait to see you soon so WE can visit with you.
M&M and the Tasters
p.s. Thanks for leaving the 10% of the Veuve Cliquot - David made himself a nice mimosa to help him recover and restore the home! xoxo
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