Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Friday, June 13, 2008

a little vacation

I realize that I haven't posted anything for a few days. I booked a mental trip and was having a lovely time in my happy place... there was fabulous food, great accommodations and a mean margarita... oh no wait that is Maroma in Mexico... well, anyway it was just lovely.. and no jet lag either. Don't I wish ...

I woke up at the crack of dawn (god knows why) for my pre-op and MRI appointment, both easy things (except for the needle before the MRI). Since I have about 2 hours between appointments, I plan to do some knitting... 100 rows to go and I finish that infernal sweater. The Monday night dinner is turning into a carnival... all it needs now are a few side shows, considering those who will attend, a side show will be expected.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go 1st & det the party started. You know how to juggle don't you? How about swallowing a flaming sword? That should get their attention for a split second! Make the best of it. Imagine if it's the only thing you remember from before the surgery...OMG! It mught just be the giggle you'll need. :-)

9:16 PM  

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