Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


After having fallen in love with Sweden I decided to summer in one of the small islands. Helsinki Finland was next. We went into town on the shuttle. It felt like a major metropolis (which it is). Alvar Aalto and Eliel Saarinen are major architects from Finland. Two old churches were on the docket, one Lutheran the other Orthodox. Lovely churches in the traditional style.

However, there was a modern church built in the rubble of a WW2 attack that stood out. Holy guacamole... the coolest place, it has a special feature than when it rains, the water falls from the celing into the inside rock walls...simply amazing. As it had been the warmest day of their summer, everyone was at the beach. I wouldn't mind summering here either...

By the way...did you all know that Finland is a country only since 1917? for such a young nation, they sure have their act together!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mima -

Is sounds like you and Paul had a wonderful trip!! I can't wait to read more!

9:55 PM  

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