Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gaining Speed

My walks are simple... up and down the hallway, usually one or two laps. Yesterday I was probably going about 3 miles per hour at top speed.

Today I think I clocked 5 miles per hour since I was leaving a wake on my path.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word in the hood has it that you've hired a card carrying UAW (United Auto) worker for the week -- lots of accolades for your solidarity with the proletariat. Remember that Eileen comes with benefits -- hassle free environment, coffee breaks, duty free lunch hour etc.

No Wall Mart exploitation on Mima's watch -- an exemplary model for us all!

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess you didn't go hunting for Easter eggs but 5 miles an hr. and two laps around is fantastic.
Love to you and Paul.


5:00 PM  

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