Escape Key
I realize that the escape key doesn't work at 3:00am in the morning, but at least the reset one should work?!?!? I am too hot, I am too cold I can breath fine, I feel I can't breath. My head is playing all kinds of games with me, and I can't resolve them by myself.
This is just so much fun! After watching the Sopranos, took all my meds and expected a 6am wake up... nope, 3am and all is quiet..
I wake up @3:33 every morning! Ever since I was a small child. I don't know why, but I do & can't seem to get free from it. You'll just have to realize that there ARE some things that YOU don't have conrol over.... hahaHA! I know how much it sucks! Pops day/night schedule went all to hell for a long time, BUT when he took his meds as they were prescribed life got better! :-) & when he didn't, all hell broke loose!!! Remember???
Keep paddling Bossman, the flow of the current will finally catch up with you & things will get better...I Promise!
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