Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The latest chapter in

as the cancer turns... in the continuing saga of where we stand at this moment, there has been a seismic shift. It seem that there was an interdisciplinary conference between Chemo doctors, Radiation doctors and the newest cast member Thoracic Oncology Surgeons. In this conference the fact that my physical recovery has been so remarkable attracted the surgeons to propose the possibility of surgery. Now, before we get to excited about this, there are a few things you need to know. Surgery would strictly be dependent on a PET scan schedule for Feb 20th @ 1:30. From those results, it would be decided if the possibility is really there.

IF surgery was a possibility, there are several things we need to be aware of.

a) My prognosis has been increased from 2 years to 4 years regardless

b) surgery is highly risky and involves two surgical procedures, one to do a very thorough biopsy (the possibility of the cancer having spread to the lymph node behind it, has not been 100% ruled out, and one dependent on those results to do a sectional removal of the tumor (the real surgery)

c) from what I can gather, the surgery is being performed mostly to have 4 clean years with a very low statistical recurrence of the cancer.

Incredibly, to me this is all playing the odds, I am assuming that the surgeons wouldn't give me a choice regarding the surgery if the side effects or risks were too high. I know it is all confusing and highly speculative, but them the facts as we know it.

One more radiation and one more chemotherapy and then we wait.... and you all know how well I do when I have nothing to do but wait!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tears, OH so many tears...of hope & a glimmer of some happier news!!

That was the best birthday present I got... let me tell you!

ps> You missed out on birthday cake Thursday!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mima, life is good. The good doctors finally saw that you are from the dromedary family. I know patience is NOT your strength but you do know that your team can keep you entertained in other things: like planning the big cruise. Eileen

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great news and we are all praying for you and the fight against Mr Nasty.

We know that whatever the doctors say you will make the right choice.

Love abd Hugs

David / Fran

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dancing, dancing, dancing.....happy, happy feet. What wonderful news.

Love to you both,

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mima, Way to kick some cancer cell butt!! I am glad that I learned of this blog, and can say some prayers for you. I have a part of the gel machine on my desk at work. Belated congrats on your marriage!

3:55 PM  
Blogger J McKinstry said...

What is that expression? Only the good . . .
Where are we going in 2010?

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is "Deal Or No Deal" the real life version.

It's getting to the point where the big decision is going to have to be made.

I know you will listen to your loved ones as they do in the show.


It is you that will make the final decision. Unfortunately there is no commercial break in life. Do you close the case and go for the big prize or play it safe and take what you have?

I am with you either way, but I keep thinking "Nothing ventured nothing gained"

That is my two cents, for what it is worth, God only knows but keep up the fight and know that we are all pulling for you.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mima,

What great news. I read your blog all of the time and keep Tyler and Nolan posted. They will be so excited to hear that you are winning your fight. We pray for you every day. Mary

1:01 PM  
Blogger Aimee G said...

Every year you're here means more advances in medicine. Every year you're here means more gorgeous sweaters and more sangria. Fingers crossed for the 20th, Jewish, Italian and Guatemalan healing light being sent your way!!!!


2:44 PM  

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