The Barber

Today, because I felt that my hair was just completely unruly and out of control I went to get a haircut. Mind you , I get my haircut in an old fashion barber shop. No frills, it has newspapers, sports radio and guys getting their haircut. It is best not to talk much, but if you are, it is most likely about sports, or some cop/fireman thing.
I have been going to the same place and the same older barber ever since we moved to Quincy, and today he asked the same question he always asks...."0 or 00" (blade length for you neophytes) I said "0" which is barely 1/2 a millimeter... and he did his thing. He always shaves my neck with a straight edge razor which I love since part of the ritual is to clean all the hedges.
As I was going to pay, he simply said to me.. "I am sorry" and with that I knew he knew... It was incredibly thoughtful and simple... and I will never change my favorite barber again!
Your barber is in a league of his own.
Oh my.
There are some real true humans out there. With such a simple statment he said a book full.
Brought a tear to me.
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