When is Shrinkage good

Depending on your line of work, and mentality, the word shrinkage has many meanings. In retail, for the store owner it means items that walk out the door without somebody paying for them; for the thief, it is what happens when they wash the jeans in hot water to make them fit like a glove. Now hold that thought right there you perverts!!
However, in a manly man world, that is not a word you really want to hear. It implies that your weenie is small and hiding. There are many swimmers with awesome bodies that (and don't tell me you didn't wonder) can wear speedos without that interesting "bulge", obviously, the pictures were taken right after being in the cold water. Why do men in Brazil look more endowed than men in Scandinavia? DUH it is the temperature of the water they are swimming in you silly!
So imagine my surprise when my doctor said to me in the most serious tone possible that they were trying to increase my shrinkage (I know an oxymoron of a phrase)... WHAT THE FUCK! don't even think about going there MR. SISTER!.. He promptly calmed me down by making it clear that he was not referring to Mr. Happy but to Mr. Nasty.. I know I know, how many different moniquers does a man have to have for their weenie???
In its ititial state, Mr Nasty (the tumor people....the tumor!) was 3.9cm x 4.2cm x 3.8cm the object of the game is to make it shrink as much as possible thru chemo and radiation. Needless to say wording is everything, and his use of the word, although well intentioned; implied to many things in my nasty little head. So now we take warm showers, chemo infusions and much radiation... all to increase our shrinkage...go figure!
If Mr. Nasty schrinks that is good. If Mr. Happy schrinks (sorry P) we'll take you to the gas stations and plug you in to the air compresor. Worst case scenario it will blow. Hmmmm. Well .... You know what I mean :-)
Rich Haus said..
Here is how I keep my shrinkage in check: I keep arcade mirrors in my house, they make everything look bigger.
Keep up the fight
I'm glad Mr Nasty is shrinking.
Being the quite reserved person I am I will refrain form any further comments.
OK all you macho guys - don't you know that it's quality not quantity?
I like the circus mirror theory. Then add some stobe lights & maybe a black light. The key is to keep moving so the image is a HUGE blurr. At least then you wouldn't have to lie, cheat or pretend...Ok & for "quality over quantity", go with out for awhile... & anything counts! Trust me I live with a COPD/heart patient on blood pressure meds. So you take what ever it is you get! Or should I say hopefully available.... :-Q
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