Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

How do you tell your parent....

It was very interesting that I did not come out to my parents directly, the short version is that my mother asked my sister if I was gay. Which my sister replied ... DUH....

If you remember from a previous blog entry, that is why we do the brother/sister conclave. To this day, my mother can accept it in Boston but certainly not in Puerto Rico, a very interesting dynamic, she blames it on the culture, I blame it on my mother caring too much about what the family says or don't say.

Up until today my mother does not know any of this saga that you are part of. There was no hard fact to convey, thus no need to worry her sick. However, now I do have the facts and I feel I have to tell her; not an easy piece of news for her to receive. Her prince is sick...That won't fly well! (dear reader it is prince not princess!)

Once again, the conclave pulled off an amazing trick, my brother will arrive at 7:00pm in Puerto Rico tomorrow to help with the stress created from my 6:00pm call to her to break the news. Hope it goes well..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great way to tell your mother.
We talked abut this last night and knew that you would work something out. Thumbs up for the sister and brother.
We're thinking of you and Paul (who is more pr than you) and if you need anything just yell and we will hear you.

8:44 AM  

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