A little normalcy

For most people, going to work is.... well, work. I happen to enjoy what I do and love the people I work with. Since it is year end accounting time and that is part of my responsibilities, I decided that the only day to do actual work was Wednesday. It would get me out of the house, where X-Mas still lives and put my mind to work.
All in all a very successful day, chatted with my favorite people, did my thing and eventually everything got done. I am always surprised when people realize that I really view the world differently than most. Calm and logical most of the time, with a sprinkle of hysterical lunatic (for taste). I think of it as a successful combination. At least it works for me... and you know how the saying goes.. @$%&'em if they can't take a joke.
Paul made reservations for dinner at a great new place called Copia. He figures that a) I need a fancy meal and b) it probably will be sometime before we have brother and sister (and her husband) all in one place. Sorry to all the vegetarians out there...the steak tartare was sensational! and no wine for me.. Could you imagine such a travesty?
I want tomorrow to arrive and the analysis done, let's get this shit rolling people! no time to waste.
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