The Divas show up
I slept like crap, no wonder I hate sleeping in airplane seats. I was also woken up several times, 3 for vital signs (oxygen levels were a touch low) and 2 blood samples were taken. Don't try to rest in a hospital it's just not going to happen.
Ms. Cranky, (that would be me) had to figure out several things, a) shower b) survive till 10:30 with no coffee... this Cancerous mass is interfering with my morning coffee? Them are fighting words! So I called the nurse and told them that I needed to be unhooked from the heart monitor and the IV hookup thing covered. Showered, not like at home, but will do. Nice thing about the B.I. Hilton, they do give you toiletries upon your check in...nice touch. The coffe part will have to wait.
Paul brought me my knitting and a book, hallelujah I have something to do, he had setup a network of calls to make sure that as soon as I was out of my biopsy this morning, coffee would be there waiting for me. Love the man! So all of a sudden my sister and her husband show up. MMMM I thought I said stay away until we know what we need to do. Nobody listens... but it was a nice thing to know that #1 sister was there ready and in her battle station. The Thoracic Cardiovascular doctor shows up and let's me know it was show time. They explained what the biopsy entailed and right there I said... GIVE ME DRUGS or this ain't happening.
They took me down to the CT Scan room and all of a sudden the split personalities show up. Technical Betty thought that what they were about to do was incredible. First scan my chest, then have the scanner determine where to mark the "X". Finally a big ass needle was to take a slug of the so called mass (actually two samples) for the lab to do a series of test, pretty impresive stuff if you ask me. Think of when they do the test in the arctic with the long pole to determine what happened to each stage of the ice cap.
However, La DIVINA (that would be my other personality) had a La Boheme moment all I needed was the make up and costume. That was the emotional moment. I was a mess, the poor nurse who was incredibly sweet was just trying to make sure I was able to go thru the test. She kept on saying I know you want your partner to be giving you a hug, but will mine do? Yes i wanted Paul and her and everyone in the world to give me a hug; but you all know me!!!! That stage was short lived and Captain Con~o (yet another of my personalities) appeared on horseback (Captain Con~o is like a Marvel Superhero, but latin good looking and he can dance think of Antonio Banderas (OK, I can cast my own movie if I have to!). You know when people ask you about the AHA moment?? That was it.
Major decisions were done in a great liquid valium induced state ). This is MY cancer and I will deal with it my own way. I will research what I want, and I will ignore what I don't want to know. No pity party... I hate those parties, they are boring as shit. More importantly, I am not comforting anyone regarding this, I need my energy to eat all the chocolate chip cookies I want just in case the treatment makes me loose weight. Some people enjoy getting new wardrobes... I am not one of those. So La DIVINA has a script and it is a private script. It is my play, and I am the director, writer and actor. Bring it on. There are places I haven't been to yet and things I need to do. I came out of my stupor.. a man with a mission!
That mission started with a FABULOUS Coffee.. damn it tasted good.. There was a catch however... my #1 favorite brother was in the room with my coffee. He just flew in from Dallas.. Don't these people take directions???
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