A week-end in NYC

Last week-end I left Boston for New York in the mother of the rain storms. Even though I have GPS, getting to my destination proved to be rather interesting since I took (I sneezed) an exit that I wasn't supposed to take onto the Williamsburg bridge into Manhattan (Brooklyn was my final destination) and then the Manhattan back to Brooklyn. Needless to say, I was so annoyed that I made one more fatal mistake and drove east on the BQE instead of west. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Once I got to Peebles's house I found out he was still part of the jury for a trial and that Friday I was on my own. There is something about being in NYC that I find very comforting; don't ask me why because I can't explain it. It is just fun. I knitted all day and just sat looking out the window. Around 3:00pm my host arrived from court and after a small relaxation time, it was time to hit the city.
We had decided already on Mexican food, but wanted to do a few stops for sangria tasting before arriving at our final dinner destination. I can assure you that Arriba Arriba has the best sangria, and their chorizo fried in garlic is outstanding. Next up, a Broadway show. The Little Dog Laughed was selected. Not knowing much about the show, I was not sure what to expect. It was very good, particularly the female lead. There is something about the technical aspect of any Broadway show that I find incredible; it is of the highest quality and flawless in it's execution.
Saturday was spent doing a lot of nothing, reading the NY Times and watching in horror and desperation as my host breezed thru the crossword puzzle. I truly despise his ability to do the puzzle so fast; I have never been able to do crossword puzzles in either spanish or english.
After some easy shopping and a Starbucks stop, dinner at a hip French restaurant. Peebles and I have a very easy friendship, what makes it interesting is the wonderful conversations we have, they go from the ridiculous to the sublime...
A great week-end!
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