Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

where we are today

Not much has happened... I am pretty much stuck home except when Eileen takes me out to lunch. All I seem to do is sleep and watch TV but hopefully when they take that damn drain out my mobility will increase.

As of right now, this totally sucks. My arm still hurts like a mother... I wake up to take a shower and to hope that night comes soon so that I can go to sleep and time would go faster. I realize patience is not my middle name!

Tomorrow I see surgeon#2 and I suspect all he is going to do is pull the drain out (I hope) tell me that it looks great and send me home with some new exercises. I don't believe he will ad anything that we don't know yet. For that we will have to wait till Thursday when we see surgeon #1


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Mima,

I didn't realize how old we are all getting. Sorry to hear about you illness.

Happy birthday


1:20 PM  
Blogger mima said...

which Stan is this?

2:13 PM  

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