Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Estonia - what a surprise

We arrived at the city of Tallinn, Estonia. After St Petersburg, this is cosmopolitan, and very modern. First thing that surprised me was the fact that there were very few t-shirt shops. However, there were tons of galleries, and high end stores. We saw a lot of garments made from flax, not cheap in Estonia, but absolutely beautiful.

I was challenged by the pursuit of the Orthodox church. After many flights of stairs and several breathing brakes, we were rewarded with a beautiful church, and a wedding. It was very interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real Haus said....

Look at me, I am famous!


You can run Paul, but you can't hide, I am everywhere. : )

Glad to hear about your wonderful vacation - the pictures are amazing.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am patiently waiting... where did you go next??

6:36 PM  

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