Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Turning a lung inside out

One of the exercises you need to do if they take a portion of your lung, or if they really mess up with you is to re-learned to fill your lungs with air completely. As I just learned recently, when you are panting, only 25% of your lung capacity is being used, vs the infamous in your nose out of your mouth SLOWLY type of breathe.

Well after all this training, you get this loose junk in your lungs (don't ask, you all know what it is). The reflex is to cough it out one way or the other, the catch is that coughing hurts, sometimes it hurts so bad you think a lung will be expelled any second. In addition, when those coughs are happening you think your sternum is going to blow up. To avoid the sensation of the explosion, the hospital gives you this little pillow that is rather hard. You are supposed to squeeze the pillow against your chest and cough. Somehow, the stupid pillow does the trick, but damn it is unpleasent


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pain most of us couldn't even fathom! & it's just as hard for those around you to watch, as it is for you to experience. Believe me... I wish there was something more comforting that could help you thru the pains of recovery.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, you're bringing me back to when I broke all my ribs and collapsed my lungs. CUT IT OUT!...Yes, it does hurt like hell and that pillow is a waste of space, however, you will start to feel better in time. Give it some time.

So we haven't seen any knitting in quite some time, you doing any?

Have a great weekend. Rich

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit I don't know but I think I just coughed like that; my drink just "fue por el tubo viejo," in english "went down the old tube." You know, the one the fish use, not for humans anymore. Man, I thought I was going to heehhhhhh have an asthma attack and saw stars, you know the little white dots, not to mention I turned a slight shade of purple, maybe red, especially in the ears and hacked every few minutes for the next 20 with hmmhmhmmhmmmmmmmm's all in between. Made me think of the blogspot. Anything Close, maybe, not quite?? Definitely not quite given that 5mns later I had nothing but a slight head rush and a dazed looked or was it confused????

8:31 PM  

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