Surgeon - "oops! I did it again"

I forgot to tell you this on one of the recent entries... As you all know I adore my surgeon; if he said jump, without a doubt I would say how high. He tends to brush over certain parts of the collateral damage of the surgeries (since he did this before) and this time when we were talking about range of motion of my left arm he said something to the effect of... we did cut a few nerves that were in the way so that is why you are feeling some numbness (I knew this one before it happened) and the range of motion issue might have to do with the fact that we had to cut the pec minor. He had mentioned the possibility but now he confirmed it. I realize that some of my conversations with the man are under serious sedation, but I need to pay more attention! By the way, does this mean that if I go swimming I can only go in circles?
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