Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

downgraded and not sure how I feel about it

Ever since my Dr Surgeon said start doing cardio, I've been walking more and lifting some weights. This week-end on Sunday I was feeling pretty good about my walks and was speeding up the pace. (my current goal is to do 10 minute miles) Monday morning about 3:00am I woke up not breathing too well; I didn't think much of it and tried to go back to sleep. Forward to 10:00am Monday at work, and I am getting the chills and I know I have a fever. At this point I was heading straight home to bed. I have no idea what I had, but the basic symptoms were not strangers to me.

I tried to take a nap, but as usual that didn't work, and about 4pm I did a temperature reading and was clocking 102.4... as they say in my home country...CALIENTE! So after much mental wrestling decided to call the doctor (Cancer Dr) since this was starting to smell like pneumonia. The thought alone was nauseating, but I called anyway. The nurse basically said to me, try to contact your primary care physician because what we would suggest is for you to head for the emergency room. PRIMARY CARE!!! what the fuck... downgraded to a non specialist??? OK prissy queen get off the pageant float!

I just didn't want to go to the emergency room, the memories are still too close to the surface. I made two decision points; if any fever returned or if sleeping didn't work because not breathing was keeping me up,I would go... YUKE.

I went to bed at 7:45pm and barring two phone calls (Paul & Eileen) I woke up about 9:45am. I dare say I needed to rest! Feeling much better but a little left behind. I supposed is a good left behind, but it does feel a little strange.


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