Barium Sulfate
It sounds nasty doesn't it? Well now imagine a chemical banana flavoring added to it. What says you... Banana wall paper paste? Indeed, that is what this time around I had to drink. This time, my strategy was a little different, divide it into 1/3rd's and drink quickly. It mostly worked, but I knew that I was only drinking 1 500ml bottle and not two as Frau Blucher wanted me to do. The rest is standard procedure, get the connection in the vein ready and go to the scan. Cat scans are mercifully short (20 minutes), and you do them fully clothed. After that, pretend that nothing happened and went to work... with snow and ice and rain and a big ass headache.... 3:30pm and I was on my way home to do some serious ibuprofen.... headache now gone
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