Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Well Hello and welcome back to the BI

Your room number will be 5 until suitable accommodations are founds, Thank my lucky stars that Eileen and Paul were there, cause sometimes you want to choke these people... (what were you in for last? you got to be kidding!!)

My oxygen levels were low, I had a fever and I my lungs sounded like the gas tank of Rene's veggie oil car. So next in my cards was a CT Scan and an electrocardiogram. At the same time I am starting to realize that my inability to breath is directly tied to my anxiety attacks over all this nonsense. So we have a mental component (just what I wanted) and fluid in the lung cavity which is restricting me from taking deep breath. This I know, because my Breathing meter thing rating was down by 1/2.

I get admitted to the hospital officially and a lung fluid suction procedure is prescribed.


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