Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Packing for the Spa

Turns out that packing for the Hilton is a hell of a lot easier than packing for a cruise. I much rather be packing for a Caribbean cruise, but that will come in due time. So far, toiletries, (I was advice to take tons of moisturizer) pajamas, robe, slippers, books and knitting. I am tempted to throw in a pair of Hawaiian shorts just to add a splash of color, but that would only be funny to me.

I am also bringing my cell phone; I suspect boredom might be what really kills me. As I get established in my new digs, I'll have Paul bring me my computers, that way I will be able to fill you all in what's going on.


Blogger Unknown said...

I will be thinking about you tomorrow! I can't wait to hear the good word when it's over. I've been reading your blog for a while.

Awaiting your next post,


(Sheila Trout's daughter)

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still think u should bring a comb. best of luck 2 ya. u'll always b in my prayers and im always thinking about you. so good luck! :-)

3:17 PM  

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