Mima's Blog

Knitting, books, theater, travel, skiing, cycling and whatever crosses my mind.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Fuzzy Space

Many of you have inquired about my knitting, reading or any form of entertainment that I might be doing to pass the time. First of all, if I could concentrate long enough, I would be working, but the numbers get fuzzy and I last about 4 minutes. Reading is the easiest way to knock me out to sleep. I couldn't tell you what I read even if I read it out loud.

Knitting is an interesting dilemma, first of all you have to count and that is not happening to coherently lately and secondly, it is rather important that I make decent choices for the colors of the sweater I am making. The Percocets put me in a very happy "every color is a good color" mood, but the outcome will be disastrous.

Mr. Haus, a) take your Yankee team to somebody else's blog and b) you can always make an appointment for knitting classes once I am recovered. I am sure L would love a sweater.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knitting classes??? Very interesting. What happens to the first person to lose a stitch? I can't wait. Seriously, I wish you would, but the amount of patience you would need......yikes! Of course, I'm sure Rich is a very fast learner (aren't you Rich?). Maybe he can be your first student and the rest of us can wait to see what the teacher is really like while he waits for us to decide which color yarn out of 35 colors is next. Good Luck, Rich Let us know

see you soon, mima
your SIL

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the planes go by and enjoying the nice weather which FINALLY arrived is good enough.
Tu hermanita.

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UR ONE OF ME NOW! U DON'T LIKE 2 READ!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! GO MIMA! and by the way, if richard doesn't leave his yankees crap at home, i'll beat him up for ya. i no u could, but ur as weak as an old man right now. sorry!lol. jk

6:59 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

I for one would LOVE to see some kind of percocet "every colour is a good colour" creation!

It would probably turn out looking like something I knit ('cause we all know I can't count either)

Lots of love

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there

Just catching up on your blog. There is a podcast - zencast that has a few meditations available.

I am at the end of my R&R and headed back to work next week...sigh. Judith Ripka thanks me for my purchases and my credit cards are cringeing everytime I reach for them... but at least the magnetic strip is still in tact from online shopping!

Hope to see you in Portsmouth soon


11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally got my computer up & running since the flooding!!!
Sorry your mind is so fuzzy...I know what your going thru from the other side of it,,,,Don't give up! It's a very, very slow process back to "normalcy" Mr. Impatient.
I'm rooting for ya man!

9:55 AM  

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